Friday, February 03, 2006


-knock, knock!
-Hey, just wanted to stop by and say 'hey'! We took over the place next door and figured you should know.
-Aren't you those guys that we don't get along with?
-Yeah, but we like everyone to think we're friendly.
-We didn't get along with the last group over there either.
-Well hey, we kept a bunch of people that don't really like you, they're just under new management. Hope you don't mind-we're gonna go ahead and keep a bunch of weapons right there, just for storage. Oh and don't worry about all those weapons on the other side either.
-Hey, what're you guys aren't heathens in there are ya?
-Shit man, my boss doesn't really approve of that lifestyle.
-Anyway guy, it would be great if you didn't arm yourself.
-We just want to turn the lights on.
-Dude, I bet you got lotsa oil tho.
-Yeah but we like to sell it to you and your friends.
-Yeah man, it'd be ruff if you stopped selling - can you just use candles?
-So, you're saying, you have a history of not liking us, you kicked next door's ass, you're gonna keep your weapons all around us, your boss appears to dislike our beliefs, you want our stuff and you want us to just chill without any protection?
-Totally, so we're cool then?

us. iran. extremely simplified.

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