Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hooray for CA

After so much destruction, chaos, incompetence, and anger, we finally have something to celebrate. The state government of California, yesterday, approved a bill changing the definition of marriage from "between a man and woman" to, "between two people"!! This marks the first time in the US that gay marriage has been sanctioned through the legislative branch of a state government. Of course, Schwarzie still has a chance to veto but, this is still cause for jubilation. When prodded on whether or not he'll veto, Arnie said he'll do whatever the courts decide. Let's all remember that he's a republican and the line of that party is to curb the courts from making decisions like this. Apparently, the Republican party only wants the input of the court when the court agrees. They're despicable but, at least in California, there are more of us. See the full NY Times coverage here.

1 comment:

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