Saturday, October 01, 2005

Remember 'Hooray for CA'?

Back in early September, California became the first state in the country to allow same-sex marriage through an act of it's legislature. On Thursday, Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed that bill saying that the issue should be decided by the voters or the courts. The republican party in action...this is the party that declared that the courts were over-stepping their bounds and trying to legislate after the MA supreme court said that denying gay and lesbian citizens equal rights was illegal. Now, when the legislature has enacted the same principle, the party says the court should decide. Oh, or the voters...never mind that the voters elected the legislature to represent them. How often are people offended by the actions of their "representatives" on other issues? Shall we now have a public vote on absolutely every bill to come up? Where is the line between what is appropriate for the legislature to decide and what should be left to the voters. I doubt that, were it left to a public vote, we would have declared war on Iraq but, our representatives did decide...same-sex marriage though, should be a court or voter issue. Be disgusted! Be angry!

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