Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A little news recap through my eyes...

So, Scooter's been indicted, Harriet's said a long-overdue 'goodbye', Alito's up, and then there's bird flu:

Some in the blog world have called last Friday Fitzmas in honor of Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald. I'm not satisfied though. Sure, Libby got nailed for lying to the grand jury which is inexcusable but so far, no one has gotten in trouble for leaking the name of a CIA operative. I refuse to believe that it was all circumstantial and that it wasn't a crime because the leakers didn't know she was an op. That's bull shit, they knew-the hard part of course, is proving they did. I'm also worried that the investigation is over without really looking into how much Dick and Bushie knew. I don't think a chief of staff would leak the name of an undercover op and then lie to a grand jury about it just because. He's obviously protecting someone and it's shameful. Also, it's very hard to judge the response of the public from this side of the pond. I'm willing to bet that the average American didn't know the investigation was going on, much less that the office of Chief of Staff exists. It's so depressing... So, someone tell me what's playing out in the States, outside of the NY Times.

Let's all say a collective 'Ciao' to Harriet Miers. She will be remembered for inadvertently bringing the parties together; united in disdain. Bye bye Har! Now we have a new ideologue to contend with in the form of Samuel A. Alito. I don't really know enough about him yet to legitimately dislike him. All I know is that President Bush has more adequately covered his bases and indeed his base with this one: the dude's a judge, a hardcore republican with a clear history of right-wing decision-making, he's religious but Catholic rather than Baptist. This is going to be a tough fight for the dems. Opposing a nominee on an ideological basis may be necessary but will not be well received. Thoughts?

Bird flu freaks me out. Yesterday's Metro told of the declaration by the Minister of Health for Australia that, should an outbreak of a human strain of bird flu occur in SE Asia as is feared, then virtually all international travel will be halted. I really don't want to be stuck in Britain in the face of a pandemic. All of the world's leading authorities on disease are calling a human strain and subsequent pandemic inevitable. The only question is when it will occur. I don't like it one bit. Here's an interesting tangent though: scientists say the virus WILL mutate to become a human disease. Is this evolution or intelligent design? Is the designer just sick of us and being creative by bringing death-by-bird or is this in the mold of the previous millennia of history which have shown that Darwin actually was on to something there?


Anonymous said...

Oh Jason... just another "WTF?" day in Bush's America... ~TS

Nicole said...

Did you hear about how some right-wing religious groups are boycotting American Girl because they give money to an organization that supports young girls (mostly lower SES girls of color) with mentoring and such, but is apparently "a pro-abortion, pro-lesbian advocacy group?" Just wanted to throw that in as long as you're pissed of at the US already.