Monday, January 09, 2006

everything old is new again...

It's a new year...on a new continent...I thought it was time for a new look. Tell me what you think. I'm afraid the banner may be a little too channel5 news...


Anonymous said...

You have way too much time on your hands.


Anonymous said...

I think it looks great . . . but your picture at the top with your glasses all askew looks like you've been hit in the face. I hope that's not the case. love you.

pamused said...

like the new look - greys are hip and modern. the font is not always easy to read. photo in banner rather clever. drunken "about me" shot very affable. at the risk of over-thinking the thing, juxtaposition of urban skyline in banner and beach shot in screen background is interesting, if not heavy. not quite sure yet if the busy-ness of the look is appropriately suited to the style of your posts. but i come here to HEAR you, not SEE, so whatever you choose is great. ok, am done now. wish i had such talent.