Saturday, July 23, 2005

George W. Bush - World's Leading Terrorist

Today, I've learned about the White House having blocked the release of new information on the Abu Ghraib tortures. How do we continue to demand human rights progress in other countries and portray ourselves as the moral arbiters of the world when the world knows about this shit? I am thoroughly disgusted. This administration tries to portray itself as moral, religious, and value-oriented but this... American soldiers were TORTURING prisoners! Iraqi men were made to rape little boys, Iraqi women were raped by American soldiers, dead bodies were treated horribly, people were murdered....and our administration doesn't want it talked about. How can we gain safety from terrorism when this is the image the terrorists see of us? It's also come out that the White House is threatening a veto on a $442 billion dollar defense spending bill for next year if the Senate makes moves to regulate the Pentagon's treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay or if the Senate tries to set up a commission to investigate operations at Gitmo Bay or Abu Ghraib. I am so disgusted. The contempt I feel for the President and those advising him burns in the pit of my stomach.

The White House's statement reads, "If legislation is presented that would restrict the president's authority to protect Americans effectively from terrorist attack and bring terrorists to justice,"the bill could be vetoed. How, again, is torture helping fight terrorism? If anything, this President and his administration are BREEDING terrorists.

I also want to remind everyone that Bill Clinton faced impeachment for a blow job.

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