Thursday, July 14, 2005

No folks, that’s not a comic book…it’s actually the American government…

It seems the slimiest slime bag of them all, which is really saying something considering the administration, has finally been caught. Newsweek magazine reported Sunday that Karl Rove, Deputy White House Chief of Staff, and the President’s number 1 political advisor, was responsible for leaking the identity of Valerie Plame. For those of you not familiar with the topic, I’ll summarize:

Valerie Plame was a CIA operative working on stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In 2002, Joe Wilson, a former Ambassador, was sent by the CIA to investigate charges that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy uranium from Niger. Mr. Wilson found nothing to substantiate the charges and wrote about it in the New York Times because the threat of WMD was part of the justification for the war in Iraq. Shortly after the op-ed, which angered the administration, the identity of Valerie Plame, Wilson’s wife, was revealed through an anonymous “senior administration official” to conservative writer, Robert Novak. He then wrote about it in this article.

The outing of an operative did absolutely nothing good for the country but it did severely endanger our national security and Ms. Plame’s life. It also destroyed a decade’s worth of undercover relationship building and put other covert ops in danger. It is believed that her name was leaked as a way of getting back at Joe Wilson for not following the administration.

It is absolutely malicious to have outed an undercover operative like this. Mr. Rove’s lawyer has already confirmed that he had something to do with the leak but the White House’s official stance is that it won’t comment on it while there is an ongoing investigation. They have commented in the past however, to say that Karl Rove had nothing to do with it. They of course made that comment before the evidence was public knowledge.

Considering the delicate balance of the world right now and the extreme nature of this crime, I think this should be cause for impeachment, if we find that the President knew about this leak. How the Republican Party can continue to endorse Karl Rove is beyond me. Indeed, how they can continue to hold their collective heads up in the face of the nonstop revelations of their gross misconduct is also beyond my grasp. If we were simply reading a story-book and read that the people that were doing this sort of thing got re-elected, we would dismiss the book as being too far from reality and yet, here we are. Let’s remember though that Adolf Hitler was also elected democratically.

Anyway, I hope that some of you are now more informed than you were before. If you want to read more about the filthiness of Karl Rove, just do a Google search for his name.

In other news, the July approval/disapproval ratings for the nation’s governors is out and has a few surprises (well, if not surprises, then things worth point out):
-Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Pubs’ golden child is suffering in CA, 36% approve to 61% disapproving and, he’s ranked 46th in the country. Hasta la Vista Schwarzie!
-Wyoming’s Dave Freudenthal, a Democrat is getting high marks: 62% approve/26% disapprove. This is surprising for Wyoming which is usually very conservative.
-Rick Perry, of Texas, a HUGE republican, pulls in tied for 41st place with 53% disapproving.
-Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle, is of course, about even at 43/48. No surprises there since he kinda sucks but not enough and he’s kinda good but not quite. He’s bland.

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