Friday, July 29, 2005

A tiny Penis-a la mode

The craziness continues in Ealing...

On Wednesday night, in celebration of Aaliyah's being with us, she, Rachel and I decided to cook a feast. Of course, we live in some sort of mad-house. So, while the three of us prepared food and helped Sabine with a bottle of wine, a small German boy ran around, a tall Kenyan man presented his sons on Trumpet, Cello, Recorder, and Saxophone and Rachel appeased the ensuing tantrums with granola bars. I didn't know, when I left the U.S. that I would be living in such a zoo but, I kinda like it. It still has that surreal feeling of "huh?!?"

Last night, after a much quieter dinner, Rach and I sat on our asses watching the telly until Elias came home about 11. At his request, we began watching a documentary on Channel 3 about a man who was uncomfortable with his horribly tiny dick; My Penis and I. Over apple pie, a la mode, with a middle-aged Kenyan father of three, two American kids learned what a horrible life a little prick can give. Education abounds in Ealing.


Anonymous said...

Jason, I love your roommate stories! They are really entertaining. You could totally pitch your living situation as a reality series. The Real World With Foreigners & Munchkins... who wouldn't watch that? ~T

Anonymous said...

Is trumpet, cello, recorder and saxophone an approved combo? I don't think Louis Armstrong, Yo-Yo Ma, Bill Clinton or [insert cliche popular name of recorder player here, which is impossible, because none exist] would like it.